9 thoughts on “works

  1. Dear Doris Egan,

    I adore the Ivory trilogy. I have been a sci-fi and fantasy fan since forever. This is probably my fathers fault since he started reading to me as soon as I would be quiet and listen. When I moved to California and was looking for a new place to live I stopped at a yard sale first and picked up about twenty used books. I arrived at my new potential home: a short woman opened her door and was standing in front of four bookshelves full of only books. We exchanged perhaps three sentences before it became clear that we had the same love of sci-fi and fantasy stories, laughed about something or other, and knew that we would be great roomies. It turned out that her bookshelves were two books deep and amongst them was the Ivory trilogy. That was about 23 years ago and I’m still re-reading the trilogy. It’s that good. And I am an incredibly picky reader. Thank you ever so much for writing them.


  2. It’s a shame that your old Ivory books aren’t available as an eBook omnibus. The paperback is selling at $25, win no royalties. I recall enjoying them a long time ago.

  3. Please get “The Complete Ivory” and “City of Diamond” converted to Kindle format!!


  4. My copies of the Ivory series are falling apart, I’ve read them so often. They remain among my very favourite novels. My dearest wish is to see you return to that universe again. Do you have any plans to write more fiction? Even outside the world of Ivory and Theodora?

    A Canadian fan

  5. I’ll look into that! (an e format for The Complete Ivory)
    Betsy (Doris’ old publisher)

  6. I too would love an e format of the Complete Ivory. It’s my favorite book(s) ever. I reread them every year

  7. I love the Gates of Ivory books and would love to own them in ebook format as well. Please release them!

  8. I love the Ivory trilogy! Couldn’t you please get them into an audiobook format? I check Audible for them every 6 months or so, hoping to finally find them.

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